
If you are here, you probably know who we are. But we feel the need to formally introduce ourselves and our new home here in the Interwebs! We are Darren, Rachel and Archie– a small family with some big ideas and dreams. We’ve been consumers of a lot of wonderful resources and tools on the Internet and our goal is to have more of a producing/sharing mindset. One of the main things we hope to share is the process of starting our own business. About two years ago we started dreaming about starting a letterpress and design business (more details to come) and are now in the beginning stages of getting it off the ground. We ask that you “excuse the mess” as we navigate this new journey. Life on the Internet usually looks pretty shiny and enticing and that’s a big reason why many of us escape various places on the Internet, but we’re here to show a little more reality (hopefully). We find people who share from a realistic vantage point carry more authenticity and value, so that’s what we’re going to strive to do. It’s bound to be messy, but as we get older we value that more and more. And we hope you do to!

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We’re glad you are here!

ps. we’re still working out the kinks on the site, so expect to see some changes in the coming weeks!

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